Whitepaper Cannabis Workflow
Obtaining hemp extracts safely and efficiently
Greater freedom to cultivate and use hemp in many parts of the world is not the only thing making the hearts beat faster of people who consume cannabis because of its intoxicating effects. Probably the oldest medicinal and useful plant cultivated in humanity's history, it is also rich in metabolic products that have pharmacological and therapeutic potential. In addition to pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of food and dietary supplements as well as beverages and personal care products have set a goal of expanding on this potential. And for good reason: It is estimated that the global cannabis market will generate sales of around EUR 50 billion in 2023, with an increase of 15 percent per year by 2027 [1]. A worthwhile business, and not least with over-the-counter hemp products. However, these products are subject to strict controls, and they must not contain ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in significant quantities, which is the active ingredient attributed with the intoxicating effect of cannabis. On the other hand, the question arises of how to yield the highest possible quantities of the hemp products that are meant to have the desired commercial benefits. Extraction technology will be hugely important here. This white paper highlights various common methods that are widely used to extract the cannabinoids THC and CBD. This white paper also highlights the role played by temperature, which must be regulated and maintained at the optimal level, a topic of great importance for the success of the overall process.