EU Roadmap Natural Refrigerants

JULABO provides clarity

In light of the EU-wide transition to natural refrigerants, we would like to take this opportunity to provide clarity and share the current status with our customers and partners.

In spring 2024, the European Union adopted an updated F-gas regulation. JULABO refrigeration units are classified as "chillers". As of January 1, 2027, these units may only be sold if they utilize environmentally friendly natural refrigerants.

What this means for you as a user:

  • Until January 1, 2027, you can purchase JULABO refrigeration units using either natural or synthetic refrigerants across the EU.
  • Existing systems may continue to be operated and serviced — even beyond January 1, 2027 (thanks to a grandfathering provision).

JULABO already offers a wide portfolio of units featuring natural refrigerants. These not only comply with the EU regulation but are often equipped with energy-efficient components, further emphasizing our commitment to sustainability.

With decades of expertise, we are your reliable partner in finding the ideal solution for your specific requirements. Together, we are shaping a sustainable future in liquid temperature control and ensuring you are fully prepared for the changes ahead.

Sustainable refrigerated circulators