SC2500a Recirculating cooler
for highest requirements in industrial environments
The SemiChill series offers powerful recirculating coolers. These units have been especially designed for applications in the semiconductor industry. Five models are available, with cooling capacities from 2.5 to 10 kW (air- or water-cooled). Working temperature ranges from +5 to +35 °C which can optionally be extended from -20 to +130 °C.
Also available is a selection of powerful pumps. The units can be modified to provide heater capacities up to 5 kW. Selection between different electronic modules to conform to simple or high demands such as, for example flow rate and conductivity measurement, external temperature control or integration of the coolers via analogue signals, RS232, devicenet or ethernet. A large range of accessories and options including DI filters, microfilters, USB adapters, etc. is available.
SC2500a Benefits

100% Checked.
100% testing. 100% quality. Each JULABO Circulator undergoes thorough quality testing before leaving the factory.

Green technology.
Development consistently applied environmentally friendly materials and technologies.

100 % Cooling capacity
‘Active Cooling Control’ for cooling available throughout the entire working temperature range, fast cool-down even at higher temperatures

For flammable bath fluid
Classification III (FL) according to DIN 12876-1